Table tennis board is one of the indispensable equipment in table tennis. Its origins can be traced back to England in the late 19th century, when it was known as the "Zhuo Ball Board". The original ping-pong boards were made of wood and were relatively heavy and had a relatively simple and rough shape. These boards are mainly used for indoor ball games, not as table tennis is now.

With the passage of time, table tennis has received more and more attention and love, which has promoted the continuous improvement and innovation of table tennis boards. In the early 20th century, the material of table tennis boards began to change, from wood to lighter and more durable materials such as plastic, fiberglass and carbon fiber. The use of these new materials makes the table tennis board lighter and more flexible, and allows for better control of the speed and rotation of the ball.

In addition, with the advancement of technology and the deepening of research, the shape of the table tennis board has gradually become more complex and precise. Modern ping-pong boards are usually made of multiple layers of composite materials, each with different characteristics and functions to achieve better ball control and offensive results. Many ping-pong boards also have special surface treatments, such as rubber skin and sponge layers, which allow the racket to produce more rotation and acceleration.

One example is Butterfly's ping-pong board. Butterfly is a leading producer of table tennis products, and its table tennis boards are known for their high quality and technological innovation. Butterfly's table tennis boards are made of multiple layers of composite materials, including wood, carbon fiber and fiberglass. The combination of these materials allows for better ball control and offense, while also improving the durability and stability of the board. What's more, Butterfly's ping-pong boards also have special surface treatments, such as rubber and sponge layers, which allow the racket to produce more rotation and acceleration.

In general, the history and evolution of table tennis boards is a part of table tennis that cannot be ignored. With the advancement of technology and the deepening of research, table tennis boards have developed from the original wooden boards to modern composite boards, which have better ball control and offensive effects, but also more lightweight and durable. Moreover, with the continuous development of table tennis, we can expect the continuous innovation and improvement of table tennis boards in the future.